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The most efficient method for receiving fresh ideas is to wipe away the old information of unrelated facts.

Approximately 86 billion nerve cells reside in the human cerebrum, and they convey information through trillions of synapses to perform the act of forgetfulness.

The human brain can be regarded as the engine house of character, behavior, homeostasis, discernment, and imagination. It can retain numbers and numerals and guides on any valuable skill.

The evaluation of the power held in the brain differs in many ways. Given this submission, it should be noted that the total volumes of about 19 million stacked in the Library or centuries of non-stop TV viewing cannot contain the brains. Enormous information is input, encoded, and later retrieved through the merging together of chemical and electrical messaging that herds those synaptic assemblies into neural networks. The generation and management of these connections help to produce memory.

The latest discovery shows that this process has failed forgetfulness.

Researchers recently found out that forgetting is a behavioral pattern that keeps human beings safe from overwhelming information. Instead of a failed memory, prevailing proofs revealed that there is a distinguished neutral mechanism on its own. When synapses are weak, they are destroyed by new memories through encoded recollections. Although we may have lost old memories, this process enables us to make use of the new ones for our benefit.

Forgetting is natural and even advantageous to maintain normalcy. Take, for instance, you forget your car key somewhere, but you can’t remember where. Your keys may be on the counter as of yesterday morning, or you hung the bunch by the door a day before. As you attempt to make critical decisions and move around, your brain is always discarding contrary recollections. If your key was last seen somewhere, straining your brain to sift many options is not healthy for you. Intelligence is meant to help humans think fast, and this process calls for synaptic pruning.

The fact is that our minds are embedded with speed better than any supercomputer ever made. The difference between us and super-fast computers is our ability to use our imaginations to produce tools that tell us histories. For example, computers can store facts and historical data from special events such as the winner of the World Series in 1999 or the author of the Nancy Drew novels. The gadgets we use to read texts, watch things and listen to music or news are tools manufactured by our intelligence. The purpose is to store the overload of facts that could damage our brains and demeanor. Note that ingenious scientists from generation to generation were able to build and code the devices we use because they memorized the coding language and math behind the technological intricacies. This was possible because they forgot a lot of things and that occurrence made the needed technical languages to be accessible.

Now if you had read a book, try to recollect all that you deduced from its pages. If you are a game lover, try to think of the schemes you learned from the games and apply the lessons learned to the present. Therefore, when you forget outdated information, your brain is cleared from the mental burden, and there will be space for new memories to enter. This action is critical to the books you want to read later and the location of your keys.

But in a situation where you need to access old memories fast, your key for instance, what will you do?

At this juncture, you need encoding. Encoding refers to the procedures we undergo to keep facts in the memory. When you keep something to heart often, it becomes easier to remember it later when the need for it arises. There are two types of memories involved in this process; a procedural memory which tells us what we already know and declarative memory which is how we do things. Encoding helps these two memories to function well. This is where constant repetition of someone’s name at first meeting is very important. Also, consistency in learning new languages is recommended by social experts.

Furthermore, exercise your body to get energy, eat a balanced diet to make your brain perform optimally, and don’t joke with sufficient sleep which is needed to give you enough rest.

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