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From Sunscreen to Plastic Straws, 6 Everyday Things That Could Be Ruining Your Skin

Could you be unintentionally ruining your skin? Your skincare preference could be doing more harm than good, no wonder you keep having flare ups. You may also think that your skin is overly sensitive, but according to Business Insider, it could be that you’re treating it wrong.

Your overly sensitive skin could entirely be your fault

Wander Beauty’s Kristin Lang says that seemingly normal practices could negatively impact your skin, so how about we take a look at some of them?

Hair Products

Do small bumps frequently break out on your hairline? Dr. Hadley King says that the styling product you’re using could be the cause of it. Oily styling products, the dermatologist says, can clog the pores around the hairline, resulting in these breakouts.

As such, you should check in with your hairdresser to determine the best styling product for you.

Old Products

Dr. King says that using old skincare products could cause acne. How so, you ask? Well, the fact that they’ve overstayed their welcome on the bathroom shelf exposes them to several bacteria that cause skin irritations.

Change your make up brushes often and bid acne goodbye

They could also be exposed to yeast, and once you use them, skin infections become your new normal. The dermatologist says that you should also change the brushes or sponges you use on yourself often to keep them from carrying bacteria.

Your Diet

The fact that what you consume affects your skin doesn’t need explaining. Amanda Hagen, a skin specialist, says that skin traumas have a number of triggers, with what you pump into your body being one of them.

There’s actual scientific data confirming this, thanks to a 2017 study that discovered people who consume more refined carbs are at a higher risk of severe acne. Dr. Tiffany Lester goes on to add that dairy products can also cause breakouts, especially since they have a high fat content.

They can trigger excess oil production by the skin, clogging the pores, and leading to noticeable pimples.


Is sunscreen part of your skincare routine, or do you just think about it during the summer while out on the beach? Dr. King insists on applying sunscreen daily, or else you’ll notice more wrinkles, discolored skin, or skin sagging.

And sunscreen alone isn’t enough. Wear that hat too, and avoid exposing yourself to the sun especially when it’s too hot.

Using Straws

Whoever thought that drinking from straws could hurt our skin? Dr. King says that sipping affects our complexion, especially because it unnecessarily speeds up the development of certain lines surrounding the mouth, worsening them.

Straws worsen the lines around the mouth, affecting your complexion

Now that plastic straws are both harmful to the environment and the skin, isn’t it time we did away with them already?

Frequently Touching Your Face

This is entirely normal, right? But then, it could be the reason why your acne has perpetual existence. According to Hagen, randomly touching your face exposes it to more bacteria because, lets face it, our hands come into contact with a lot of dirty stuff.

Did you hear that a smartphone’s screen has more bacteria than a toilet bowl? And since we’re always on our phones, that’s a whole lot of bacteria that goes to your face whenever you touch it.

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