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Lumeris, A Medical Insurance Provider, Expands Into 5 New States & 44 Counties

Lumeris is one of the leading insurance providers in the United States. For years, the Saint Louis, Missouri-based firm has been actively involved in medicare services and health insurance plans. Now, the company believes that it is about time to “widen its reach.” On November 1, 2022, Lumeris announced its expansion of Essence Healthcare. Essence Healthcare is the solely owned medicare advantage plan (MA) of Lumeris. According to the latest updates, the expansion of Essence Healthcare covers five new states and 44 new counties.

Matthew / Pexels / Lumeris expands its medicare advantage plan (MA) into 44 new counties and five new states.

However, it is essential to note here that this expansion is a massive one in the history of Lumeris. Statistically, this latest expansion adds a 223% increase in coverage in one year’s time. In other words, Essential Healthcare coverage (of states and counties) had not increased the way it did this year.

According to the initial report released by Lumeris, the “explosive expansion” is all because of customer satisfaction and the perfect plans of Essential Healthcare. The report reiterates that if this was not for the fruitful MA plan of Lumeris, it could not have been possible. Of course, the expansion is massive. And if the customers (the existing ones) were not satisfied with the services and MA plans of Lumeris, this massive expansion was out of the discussion.

Leelo / Pexels / Lumeris terms customer satisfaction as the foremost reason for this explosive expansion.

In a press release, the CEO of Luneirs, Michael Long, said that the United States is struggling with an equal healthcare system. The struggle is real, he said. This is where Lumeris comes into play. Lumeris has this “unwavering passion” that everyone in the U.S should have easy access to medicare and insurance plans. We are happy to announce this expansion – into 5 new states and 44 new counties – Michael said during the press release.

Furthermore, the CEO of Lumeris asserted that customer satisfaction and providing a worthwhile medicare system is “scalable.” This massive expansion of Lumeris has proved that once again, he emphasized.

The Business Inside/ The CEO of Lunmeris, Michael Long, asserts that physician’s satisfaction and equal access to Medicare is “scalable” and possible.

  • 5 New States With Lumeirs Coverage

Nonetheless, the CEO hinted that this new expansion will be effective from January 1, 2023. Here are the five states that will be included in the coverage of Lumeris’ Essence Healthcare plan:

  • Kentucky
  • Indiana
  • Ohio
  • Georgia
  • Arkansas

The essence of this expansion is simple and straight: Providing equal medicare and medical insurance to every citizen of the U.S. In the words of Michale Long, the sitting CEO and Chairman of Lumeris, this expansion will cover “more people who need medical assistance.” It goes without saying that once this expansion is effective, it will cover medical professionals and other patients throughout these regions.

Respectively, new MA plans will be announced in all of these 5 states by January 1st, 2023, said the Chairman of Lumeris. Furthermore, the Chairman asserted that different MA plans would be launched with the new update once the expansion is officially announced.

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