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Why Experts Think Young People and Global Issues Are Related

Today, young people and global issues are intertwined more than ever before. From climate change to political instability, these large-scale problems are not just abstract concerns. They have real, direct impacts on the mental health of the younger generation.

Whether they are watching the news, scrolling social media, or talking with friends, constant exposure to these overwhelming challenges is shaping how young people perceive their future—and it is not always in a positive light!

Global issues have always existed, but the intensity and immediacy of them now weigh more heavily on the minds of youth. While previous generations certainly had their own struggles, today’s young people face unique pressures that can leave them feeling anxious, isolated, and without hope.

The Weight of Climate Change on Young Minds

Young people and global issues

Liza / Pexels / The idea that the planet could be irreversibly damaged within their lifetime is a terrifying thought, and this fear creates a sense of helplessness.

Young people and global issues like climate change are closely linked. It is hard to ignore the growing concern about environmental devastation. Climate change is not just a distant worry anymore. It is a very real fear. Young people today are growing up in a world where natural disasters, like floods and wildfires, are increasing in frequency and intensity.

This concern over climate change manifests in various ways, particularly as climate anxiety. Many young people feel personally responsible for the state of the planet, even though they had little to do with creating the crisis. This overwhelming sense of responsibility – with a perceived lack of action from global leaders – can lead to depression, anxiety, and despair.

As they grapple with the reality of a warming planet, it becomes harder for them to maintain a sense of optimism for the future.

How Social Media Is Amplifying Global Issues

Social media has become the primary platform where young people are confronted with global issues daily. While it can be a great tool for raising awareness, it also serves as a constant reminder of everything going wrong in the world.

Scrolling through news of war, social injustice, and environmental destruction, young people can’t help but feel like the problems are endless.

Young people and global issues

Olly / Pexels / The pressure to stay informed can be overwhelming. And with the rise of “doomscrolling,” they are exposed to distressing content at all hours of the day.

The connection between social media and mental health is well-established, but the added layer of global issues intensifies its impact on young minds. Constantly seeing friends and influencers express their fears about the world can make it harder for young people to detach and process their own emotions.

This cycle of anxiety and despair can contribute to burnout. Thus, making it increasingly difficult for them to engage in meaningful change without feeling exhausted.

Young People and Global Issues are Going Hand-in-Hand

For young people, economic instability is another global issue that impacts mental health. The current generation is facing challenges that their parents and grandparents did not experience on the same scale. Rising housing prices, stagnant wages, and the increasing cost of living make it feel almost impossible to achieve financial independence.

Many young people are graduating with enormous amounts of student debt and fewer job prospects. Consequently, this leads to a collective sense of uncertainty about their futures.

Feeling like they are falling behind in life, many young people experience heightened anxiety about their ability to succeed in a world that feels rigged against them.

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