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A Stark Realization: Your Body & Mind Function In Sync

Seemingly, the days of COVID are gone; with the cases of COVID patients decreasing throughout the United States, you can breathe a sigh of relief that the stressful days of COVID are finally coming to an end. Fair enough, the last few years of the COVID-19 pandemic were horrific—mass deaths, losing jobs, and life uncertainties were the hallmarks of COVID. Now that the cases have greatly lowered, we all have the right to be excited about it. But there is a catch: The aftershocks of COVID are not yet over. They are very likely to emerge in many ways. Businesses will take time to ‘restore.’ Our health still needs some time to heal. However, what is crucial to understand here is that the COVID-19 pandemic is not yet over. It continues to have long-lasting impacts on our mental health.

Cotton Bro / Pexels / The impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on mental health still persist.

According to reports, hundreds of Americans still suffer the mental health impacts of coronavirus. While that is a mental factor that we all need to consider, another major health crisis has recently outbroke: Monkeypox. Essentially, indigenous people and the LGBTQ communities are more vulnerable to this novel disease. However, experts warn that this contagious disease is very likely to spread among all communities.

Monkeypox Makes The Health of LGBTQ Communities Vulnerable

Among this chaos, if there is one thing that all of us are sure about, it is this: We all need to take precautionary measures. More than ever, we all have to be extremely careful about our mental and physical health. Certified doctors and healthcare professionals recommend that everyone takes necessary precautions.

Cotton Bro / Pexels / / Monkeypox is the new ‘pandemic’ that is making LGBTQ communities vulnerable – and is likely to spread across all genders.

At individual levels, taking precautions could mean one of the following things:

  • Reassessing one’s diet plan & making the necessary changes to it.
  • Eating healthy and avoiding junk food.
  • Avoiding interactions with people you do not know – their background, ethnicity, and gender.
  • Working out on a daily basis.
  • Meditating at least twice a day.
  • Avoiding public gatherings and maintaining social distancing.

Madison Shots / Pexels / If you take care of your mental health, you will have sound physical health by default.

Thus, if you follow these steps, chances are you will not be a victim of the two current health crises: Coronavirus and monkeypox.

Nevertheless, what is important to note here is the fact that if you are cautious about your mental health, you will end up developing healthy well-being. In other words, your mental and physical health work in sync. This means that if the first one becomes vulnerable, so does the latter. That is why it is essential that you are taking care of both to have a healthy well-being.

So, be mindful of your mental health. Assess the current stage of your mental health. If it is declining, it is going to impact your physical health – and vice versa.

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