Opioid Traces Found in Freshwater Mussels in Seattle!
Who doesn’t love fresh mussels straight from the salty ocean? Unfortunately, seafood-lovers are in a for a bad surprise after...
Vincent PierreMay 31, 2018 -
A Sticky Disaster: Tons of Molten Chocolate Spills on Polish Motorway
Hold the fresh strawberries and fondue sticks. A Polish six-lane highway is covered with 24 tons of hot melted chocolate...
Vincent PierreMay 14, 2018 -
U.S. Hit by Dangerous Contamination as Eighteen Tons of Ground Beef Recalled
Firing up the grill for some beefy burgers tonight? You may have to think twice before purchasing any meat from...
Vincent PierreMay 7, 2018 -
The Worst “Healthy” Foods For Fat Loss
More often than we think, foods that are branded “healthy” or “low-fat” and “low-sugar” can be incredibly bad for those of...
Ami CicconeMarch 11, 2018 -
New Study Says Eating Breakfast Is a Sure Way to Improve Metabolism
Rushing off to work, school or a daily activity early in in the morning to avoid lateness is the main reason...
Vincent PierreMarch 6, 2018 -
Are You Sure Your Fruits and Veggies Are Clean Enough?
Insecticides and pesticides have been used a lot in the recent thirty years and their health impacts are really bad. Thus,...
Ami CicconeMarch 5, 2018 -
Daily Cheese Consumption May Be a Good Way to Avoid Heart Disease
Cheese is a dairy product extracted from the milk of goats, sheep, cows, and buffalo. There are several textures and flavors....
Vincent PierreMarch 1, 2018 -
Beauty Myths We Wrongly Believe In
Whether you like your own body or not, there probably was a time when you wanted to change something on it....
Ami CicconeFebruary 28, 2018 -
Meet Helene – The 93-Year-Old Dance Queen
Meet 93-year-old Helene Miller, who is not slowing down on her dance moves due to old age. You will be surprised...
Vincent PierreFebruary 19, 2018 -
Study Revealed Drinking More Coffee Can Decrease The Risk Of Death
When we’re losing weight and attempting to start a healthy lifestyle, we often hear the nutritionists and dieticians stating that we...
Vincent PierreFebruary 19, 2018